Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon!!

Greg and I went to see Jacob, I mean New Moon on Friday....LOVED IT!!!

Jacob was awesome! He was better than I imagined. Bella was okay, but Edward- oh Edward. If I was going to be in the same movie as Jacob and be baring my chest for that matter, I think some things on my check list would be.
1. Shave my chest
2. Go to the gym
3. Eat more protein, or just food for that matter- he looked anorexic
4. Pull up my pants.

I like Edward, he is okay, but I have always been a Team Jacob fan, even when my book club almost had to shun me for rooting for Jacob.
I just loved the hand scene when Bella, Jacob and Mike were at the movie, "Punch Face". That was hilarious!
Anyway, I loved it- I already want to see it again!


Jeppson Clan said...

i agree. great points. it was fun seeing you guys, even if it was down the row!
you are hilarious. i had to read the part about "bearing your chest" again, b/c i had a flashback to the NKOTB concert...

heidi said...

so, upon further reflection i really did enjoy the movie. my viewing partner was a little less enthusiastic. and for real. does robert pattinson need a trainer? i could hook a brother up.
but the fight scenes were way awesome.
and jacob was a total dish! i could be swayed to team jacob for a little while. but i can't stand bella. she needs to be replaced!
let's go again sometime!

heidi said...

and for real edward, pull up your pants!!!

Julia said...

Haha! I completely agree.

Stafford said...

I know I am late commenting on this post, but all I have to say is..."Where have you been-Loca?" Melt!