Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Celine Dion

Last Saturday, Greg and I went to the Celine Dion Concert. I had been anticipating it for a while because she had to reschedule the concert from the beginning of December to the beginning of January because of some throat issues. I hadn't really thought about it though because I had been sick with chicken pox and strep throat- I know- I must have the worst immune system! So, the opening act was hilarious, it was a guy (who I don't remember his name) from Vegas who has his own show there and makes fun of other singers. He could sing exactly like so many people. Then Celine came out... She sang, "I drove all night" first and I could not stop bawling! I realized that I had listened to her for most of my life. She was the first CD I ever owned and it was given to my by my dad when I was young. He loved her too, and because I hold my dad in such high regard, I always did Celine also. Anyways, I was a mess. You know when you cry and you have a couple tears drip down your face- that was not me. I could not speak, was grimacing to keep from wailing and my eyes were pouring. I just couldn't hold it back. I was in such awe of her and that I was actually seeing Celine Dion. She was so beautiful, kind when she spoke, funny and her voice was amazing. She made it look and seem so easy to just belt out her ballads. I love her and now Greg I'm sure thinks I'm nuts- I don't care- I am. I LOVE YOU CELINE!


Meredith said...

I know the feeling of crying at concerts....oh actually SAW my tears falling down my face! :)

heidi said...

so, i felt tears well in my eyes just thinking of her sing. she is amazing. she is my queen. next concert we are going together so greg doesn't have to see you bawl again. i will bring the tissues.

Stafford said...

you are nuts! :-)

Melinda said...

I think that her CD was my first too....given to me by my little sister, and I think I still have it. I am glad that you had fun.