Thursday, February 12, 2009


Yes, we are moving if you didn't know yet! We sold our house and now are moving about a mile away because we just can't stand the area we live in- ha ha. I am supposed to have packed up my whole house, but I am struggling. It is hard packing with three little kids. Today I did really good because I strapped the kids in their carseats, got McDonalds, turned on a movie in the car, and made loads back and forth for two movies worth. The kids were so good and just sat there without complaining at all!! I have one more day-tomorrow- to pack up the rest of my house and then we are moving Saturday. I think I will make the deadline, but I want to get in my bed and pull the covers over my head just thinking about it.

1 comment:

Jeppson Clan said...

Chick a wah wah baby. They must have learned that from you and Greg right?! :)
Good for you getting 2 movies worth in! It's funny how as parents you start to measure time in things like "movies" games, naps etc.
Sorry I couldn't help you!
Good luck with everything, I can't wait to see your house.
Oh and thanks for the park call yesterday. I was laying down and didn't hear the phone. Hopefully this weekend will be one of no sickness at our casa.